Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hit by a Freaking Train!

March 9, 1907
Aged Man Run Down In The North End

R. W. Sillick Was Struck by an Engine Last Night

R. W. Sillick, an aged resident of Brighton Avenue, met with a peculiar accident shortly before 9 o'clock las evening.
He was walking along the Delaware and Hudson tracks towards his home and had reached a point about 100 yards from East Market street crossing, when he was run down by a rapidly moving coal train.
Luckily the unfortunate man was tossed to one side out of harm's way, thus saving him from being run over and terribly mangled.
His cries for help attracted the attention of Gateman Gallagher, who summoned assistance and the injured man was removed to the home of his son on Deacon street.
Despite the fact that Mr. Sillick suffered excruciating pain, no bones were found to be fractured, his injuries being chiefly bruises of a serious nature.

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