Friday, October 18, 2013

And Now For Some Corn!

Nov 21 1903

Missouri Corn

Here are three stories of Missouri corn. One is an echo of last year's bumper crop.

Three boys nine, sixteen and eighteen years old, respectively- took a contract to cultivate a 540 acre field, which was to be put in corn. They were to receive 12 cents a bushel or the crop from the owner of the field. The land produced 34,621 bushels and the boys divided up $4,154.52 for their summer's work.

The other stories concern this years crop.

"Ed" Turley, of Millersburg, found a large ear of corn which had nine smaller ears sprouting from the top.

W. H. Shaeffer, of Avila, went to interview William Fanning, on shares. There was a dispute and Mrs. Fanning hit Mr. Shaffer over the head with an ear of corn. Concussion of the brain was the result.

Haha! Hit with corn - classic!

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