Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Feb 7 1885
A Scranton Girl Elopes

A dispatch dated Scranton Jan 31st says: Lizzie Bogart, the charming 18 year-old daughter of Assistant  Superintendent Garrett Bogart, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, has caused a social sensation by eloping with a young brakeman named George J. Fowler, who is employed on a passenger train between Buffalo and New York. Fowler is not much more than 20 years old and quite handsome. The young people met accidentally shortly after Miss Bogart's return home from Europe with her father a few months ago, and the acquaintance has been continued until it ripened into love. They usually met at the skating rink in Scranton.
Of course the lovers knew that Superintendent Bogart would never consent to their union, and so shortly after five o'clock Friday evening, accompanied by Fowler's sister, they went to the office of Alderman Fuller and were married. When the Alderman asked Miss Bogart if she was related to Superintendent Bogart she replied that she was a sister, and he believed her. After the ceremony the party drove a short distance out of town and had a friendly engineer stop his train to take them on board. After reaching Binghamton, Fowler telegraphed the news of their marriage to Superintendent Bogart, who is very much incensed over the affair.
Miss Bogart is pretty and accomplished, and had hosts of friends in Scranton.

Ahh love :)

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