Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dueling Husbands

Feb 27, 1892
Second Husband Killed the First

  Saginaw, Mo., Feb 26 - Thomas Whelan was shot dead on Thursday night by Moses P. Locke, and yesterday his slayer voluntarily surrendered himself.
  Some years ago Whelan married Emma Cobbs, of this place, and they moved to Denver. The wife suffered the husband's abuse for over a year, and when it became unbearable, she returned to her parents here with her only child.
  Later, seeing in a Denver paper an account of the death of Thomas Whelan, she accepted the attentions of Locke and married him.
  Whelan, who was not dead, learned of the marriage and traced the couple to Saginaw, where they ha settled. He there proposed to Locke to let him alone for $300.
  Locke is poor and offered to compromise for $100. Whelan refused and continued to annoy the family by letters.
  On Thursday, Whelan approached Locke's house. The latter ordered him away, but Whelan refused to go and made a move to draw a revolver, when Locke seized a shot gun and shot him dead.

I guess you should really make sure the first one's dead so the second one doesn't kill him

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