Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19, This day in History

September 19, 1902

Murdered and Nude Body Thrown in the Canal
Mystery Surrounding the Crime, But it is Laid at the Door of Jealous Lover.

  New York, Sept. 19, - Police are today trying to unravel the mystery surrounding the finding of the nude body of a young woman in the canal near Jersey City. The body has been identified as that of Anna Pulitzer, the wife of a tailor. A long strap was tied around the neck of the dead woman and a heavy weight fastened to the other end.
  The police arrested her husband this morning and closely questioned him. He said his wife left home Tuesday night to get some bread for supper which was the last he ever saw of her. The man seemed generally distressed. It was found today that the woman who was quite pretty was seen to get into a buggy with a man which was driven toward New York.
  The theory of the chief of police is that Mrs. Pulitzer was killed in New York and her body brought across the river in a ferry boat and taken in a wagon to where it was found. The Chief thinks some one who admired her killed her in a fit of jealousy.

Head End Collision in Pennsylvania

Pittsburg, Sept. 19 - In a head end collision between freight and passenger trains on the Pittsburg & Western near Wittmer today five persons were killed and two seriously injured.
The dead are:
 GEORGE CHUGARTY, a brakeman, who was riding on the engine.
 THOMAS DUGAN, fireman.
 FAY DEMPS, boilermaker, riding on the engine.
The badly injured are Engineer Chambers and Express Messenger Crossman.
The collision occurred on a sharp curve and the crash threw one engine on top of the other and demolished the baggage car.

Reward Out for Boodiers

Jefferson City, Mo., Sept. 19 -
Governer Dockery today offered $300 reward for the apprehension and conviction of the missing alleged St. Louis boodiers, Louis Brecker, Julius Lehman, Emile Hartman, John Sheridan, Adolph Madera and Charles Kelley.
The St. Louis police today sent broadcast throughout the country circulars describing the missing indicted men for whom the governor offered the reward. The grand jury resumed its session at noon.

A Daring Post Office Robbery

Jefferson, Ohio, Sept. 19. - Three masked robbers dynamited the post office safe this morning and stole $250 in cash and stamps worth $800, then boarded a train and escaped. Watchman Jones was bound by the robbers and compelled to sit in a chair near the safe while dynamite tore off the safe doors. The robbers then took him to the depot, made him a bed of hay and rolled him into it.

Statue to General Slocum Unveiled

Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 19 - The magnificent equestrian statue to Gen. Henry Warren Slocum, erected by the State of New York, was unveiled today in the presence of a large assemblage which included the governors of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Strikers Dynamite Woman and Children
 Mahaney City, Pa., Sept. 19. -
Strikers dynamited the home of Richard Pariatt, fire boss at the Gilberton shaft, at midnight. The building was wrecked, but Mrs. Pariatt and her three children escaped unhurt.

Jealousy Causes a Crime

Battle Creek, Mich., Sept 19
Prompted by jealousy, A. Whitcomb, of Chicago, killed William H. Sampson and Elizabeth Nettler at Sampson's home and then killed himself. The woman will recover. It appears both men had been paying their addresses to the woman and jealousy caused the double tragedy.

Railroad Wreck in Ohio

Chillicothe, Ohio - Sept. 19
All those injured in the wreck of the Royal Blue Flyer at Leesburg were brought here; they number fifty. Engineer Roe and Fireman Studebaker were the two killed. No explanation is given as to how the flyer came to dash into an open switch. Most of the passengers escaped through windows and the broken roof.

A Bridegroom Hanged 

Baltimore, MD, Sept. 19
John Devine, who murdered a policeman, was hanged today in the jail in which he recently married his sweetheart.

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