Saturday, September 14, 2013

Impulsive Tina

Sept 16, 1893

Tina's Impulsive Adventure

  A west end young miss has never been known to take a dare. Close to her home is a veneering factory, and the other day there was a sign hung out for a "Boy Wanted." It happened that the young lady had several of her friends visiting her that day, and from the front window they could read the sign. "Tina, you dare not go and apply for that place," said one of the young ladies present.
 "Who says I daren't?" responded Tina.
 Without further ado she rigged herself out in a suit belonging to her brother. Fixing her hair in a manner that it could not be told, she sallied forth. Her movements could be watched from the house, and the scene that followed was a most laughable one. Tina walked boldly into the factory. The clerk approached her, and she said she wanted to apply for the job. The clerk looked at the pretty miss' face and smiled. "How much will you give me?" asked Tina. "I won't work for less than $4 a week." The firm would not pay this much, and Tina walked out, highly insulted to think that her services were not worth more than $4 a week.

-Cincinnati Enquirer

This cracks me up - is it just an invented story or did it happen? Either way I love it!

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